Submission deadlines
Camera Ready Deadline
The topic areas covered by ICTIR include any topic of relevance to core IR and connections between IR and its neighboring disciplines such as the following. Evaluation expectations for ICTIR submissions are less demanding than in other IR conferences, but some degree of evaluation is still important.
IR theory and practice
User aspects of IR
IR system architectures and scalability
Content representation and processing
Machine learning for IR
Applications of IR
Paper Submissions
All submissions must describe work that is not previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not currently under review elsewhere. The same work cannot be submitted as both a long paper and a short paper. All submissions must be in English, in PDF format, and in ACM two-column format. Long paper submissions should not exceed 8 pages. Short papers should not exceed 4 pages. Suitable LaTeX and Word templates for ICTIR are available from the ACM website. The algorithms, resources, and methods used within a paper should be described as completely as possible. Authors may upload supplementary material, including detailed descriptions, test datasets, or code; however, this information is not part of the submission paper, and will be read only at the discretion of the reviewers. The review process for all submissions is double-blind, and authors must take all reasonable steps to conceal their identity. Submissions will be rejected without review if they are over the specified page limit, if they violate the formatting guidelines, if they are not anonymous, or if they are incomplete. Papers must be submitted electronically via the conference submission system. Authors should carefully go through ACM’s authorship policy before submitting a paper.
The review process for all submissions is double-blind, and authors must take all reasonable steps to conceal their identity. For this reason, ICTIR follows the ACM SIGIR policy of strongly discouraging uploading papers onto until after final notification.